Drug Abuse: The Implicating Effects To The Society

Every 26th of June is set aside to celebrate International Day Against DrugAbuse and Illicit Trafficking which is an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse.

According to Psychology Today, Illicit drug users make over 527,000 costly emergency room visits each year for drug-related problems. One dollar out of every $14 of the nation's health care bill is spent to treat those suffering from smoking-related illnesses. Drug offenders account for more than one-third of the growth in the state prison population and more than 80 per cent of the increase in the number of federal prison inmates since 1985.

More than 75 per cent of domestic violence victims reports that their assailant had been drinking or using illicit drugs at the time of the incident. Substance abuse and addiction are fully treatable. 45% of individuals with an untreated substance use disorder commit suicide.

So Here Are Some Negative Effects of Drug Abuse 

The negative impact of which drug abuse and its dependence are far-reaching couples with its effects on every organ of the human body. Some of it negative:

  • Weaken the Immune system and also increases susceptibility to infections.
  • It causes cardiovascular conditions ranging from abnormal heart rate to heart attack or failure. Injection drugs into your system can lead to damaged veins, infection of blood vessels and also blood valves.
  • Been addicted to drugs can also lead to nausea,  vomiting and abdominal pain. 
  • Also, drug abuse can cause liver failure by making the liver to work harder than it supposed to.
  • It causes sudden seizures, stroke, and widespread brain damage that can impact all aspect of your daily life by causing memory lapses also with mental confusion and permanent brain damage.
  • Also, it produces global body changes such as breast development in men, dramatic fluctuations in appetite and increase in body temperature, which may impact a variety of health condition.
  • It also alters the chemistry in the brain which interferes with an individual ability to make decisions and can lead to compulsive craving, seeking and use.

The Behavioral Negative Effects are:

  •   Paranoia.
  •  Aggressiveness.
  •  Hallucinations.
  •  Addiction.
  •  Impaired Judgment.
  •  Impulsiveness.
  •  Loss of Self-Control.

      " The mentality and behaviour of drug addicts and alcoholics are wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope". Russell Brand

Drug Abuse: The Implicating Effects To The Society Drug Abuse: The Implicating Effects To The Society Reviewed by Ridwan on June 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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