Amazing Benefits Of Mistletoe Plant

"It's the most beautiful time of the year, lights fill the streets, spreading so much cheer I should be playing in the winter snow, but I'mma be under the mistletoe" in Justine Bieber voice. Aside from the facts that, mistletoe are used during festive periods, it medicinal values are first to know. The Viscum album which belongs to the lorantaceace family of plants is one of the many species of a hemiparasitic plant that grows on a variety of trees, mostly apple trees, poplars, willows and linden.

The poisonous white berries of a mistletoe plant

The roots of mistletoe sink into the branches and trunks of other trees, instead of the soil. The seeds need sunlight to germinate, unlike most other plants that need darkness. The leaves also produce chlorophyll, which enables it to synthesize its own nutrients. Even though people do consider mistletoe as poisonous, which is only partly true because the white berries containing the seeds are indeed poisonous and should never be consumed. But, the leaves and twigs are considered to have high medicinal value and also may be taken as normal herbs.

Benefits of Using Mistletoes

1. It's useful for the treatment of cancer.

According to studies, using mistletoe during chemotherapy helps in easing and reducing the negative impacts of radiation during chemotherapy. Also according to another research in Europe, suggest that it has innate anti-cancerous properties that enable it to recuperate faster.

During laboratory session, mistletoe has shown signs of killing cancer cells and boost the immune system
and it has yet to give greenlight if this boost helps in fighting cancer.

2. It prevents diabetes.

The anti-diabetic potentials in mistletoe is a relatively new area of research, but for quite a long time, it has been practised traditionally. Studies have shown that it does have the ability to lower blood glucose levels and other studies also shown that the extract stimulated insulin production in pancreatic cells, helping to regulate the levels in the body and also lessening the severity of the disorder.

According to another research, African mistletoe has a good amount of anti-diabetic properties.

3. Improve Immunity.

One of the amazing health benefits of mistletoe is its impact on the immune system and how it shields the body from chronic and recurring illnesses. It also contains anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-viral which makes it a good fit to boost your immune system.

A typical mistletoe plant
4. It helps in calming our Nervous system.

If you're the type that suffers from anxiety, or you're the type that always stresses yourself out, or suffering from insomnia and any other form physical or mental disorder, then mistletoe is one of the prominent used natural solutions in treating such problem. Also, it is used as a natural antidote for depression.

5. Mistletoe is also useful for women.

For women who suffer from excessive cramp and menstrual pain, using this plant in that situation are a great option and according to traditional women of Europe, it could cure uterine disorders and improve fertility.

6. It helps with the heart problem.

Mistletoe is an excellent herb for the circulatory system. It also helps in promoting the flow of blood to the brain and heart especially in those suffering from coronary arteries and angina pectoris. Mistletoe is the safest herb for the heart problem. In treating patients who have heart problems, a great care must be taken when taking the correct herbs or drugs.

Other Benefit Of Using Mistletoe 
  • It helps in reducing snoring.
  • It eliminates Inflammation.
  • It also helps in promoting good sleep and also lowering blood pressure.
  • It also can also be used in curing hypertension.
Note: It is advised to only used the mistletoe herb that is extracted from a trusted and trained herbalist or medical practitioners.
Amazing Benefits Of Mistletoe Plant Amazing Benefits Of Mistletoe Plant Reviewed by Ridwan on July 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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